Topeka, KS
Meet your continuing education renewal requirements with our easy-to-use courses. Our narrated real estate CE classes are self-paced with 24/7 access, making your CE renewal process stress free. Go at your own pace at home or on-the-go. We submit your completions to the Kansas Real Estate Commission on your behalf!
REMI School of Real Estate
Provider #ED0129
View Available Courses Below
State Requirements
Hours Required - 12 hours
Renewal Dates
Renewal Cycle: Every Two Years
Kansas Real Estate Commission
Real Estate Education at your Fingertips!
Meet your real estate CE requirements online with our real estate courses and packages. Our narrated real estate CE classes are self-paced with 24/7 online access so you can complete on your own time - at home or on-the-go! All courses are mobile-friendly with no special apps required. Expect fast processing upon completion as we submit your CE credits to the Kansas Real Estate Commission on your behalf. Reach out to our customer service staff with any questions. We pride ourselves in providing great customer service and quality classes that are easy to use and easy to complete.
Select Your Courses
This 12-hr CE Renewal package includes the 3-hr Kansas Core course and 9 hrs of elective courses.
Includes 12 total hours of CE. 9 hours of elective hours and 3 hours of Core
Course list: 1. Kansas Core Course (3 hrs, M20278, KS) 2. Using Home Inspections to Protect Your Clients (3 hrs, E20068, KS) 3. Benefits of 1031 Exchange for Investment Clients (3 hrs, E20061, KS) 4. Basic Steps to Analyze Investment Property (3 hrs, E20060, KS)
Learn about the ethical dilemmas in the practice of real estate through real world case studies.
Learn the tools to analyze investments and better service clients (3 hrs). *For an extended version of this course, please see the 4-hr 'Basics of Investment Property' course.
Great course for learning the basics about the requirements and benefits of Chapter 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code.
This 'Code of Ethics: Pathways to Professionalism' course is designed to provide 3-hrs of continuing education and meet the NAR ethics requirement. It is at your Board / Association's discretion to accept this course. Check ahead of purchase.
Gain knowledge, reduce liability by learning more about Fair Housing and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The Home Inspections course is a Commission-approved elective course that counts toward 3-hrs of continuing education credit to be used toward license renewal or reactivation.
Learn how to use home inspections to the advantage of your clients.
Gain an understanding of green homes and their influence and impact on buyers and sellers.
This course covers Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) and Broker Price Opinions (BPOs), an opinion of value developed according to industry standards by a real estate licensee.
This course covers the importance of a policy manual and the standard types of information and materials necessary for constructing a good policy manual. Serves as an aid for those creating a policy manual. Improves your ability to provide consistent professional services to consumers and avoid liability.
This course provides licensees with the essentials necessary to perform calculations for common real estate transactions.