Last chance to purchase any Oklahoma 21-hr Package. All 21-hr Packages will change to 30-hrs for an increased price after May 31st.
Tulsa, OK
Meet your continuing education renewal requirements with our easy-to-use, mobile-friendly courses. Our narrated real estate CE classes are self-paced with 24/7 access, making your CE renewal process stress-free. Go at your own pace at home or on-the-go. Expect fast processing upon completion as we submit your CE credits to the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission (OREC) on your behalf. Reach out to our customer service staff with any questions.
REMI School of Real Estate
School #581420
View Available Courses Below
Renewal Dates
Renewal Cycle: Every 3 Years
Oklahoma Real Estate Commission
Select Your Courses
This 21-hr CE Renewal package is designed for Resident Sales and Broker Associates* who wish to renew their license. This package includes six mandatory topic courses and electives. See below for details.
Mandatory Topics:
Electives (Excess core hours count toward elective hours):
*Note: Broker Managers (BM), Proprietor Brokers (BP), and Branch Brokers (BB) may need to complete a Broker-in-Charge (BiC) course which is separate from this package. This package is not designed for non-provisional or non-resident licenses. Code of Ethics (3 hrs) is not included in this package but can be purchased in the other package(s) or ala carte. Please confirm your local board/association accepts the Code of Ethics course toward their Ethics requirement ahead of purchase.
*Please Note: Broker Managers (BM), Proprietor Brokers (BP), and Branch Brokers (BB) may need to complete a Broker-in-Charge (BiC) course which is separate from this package. This package is not designed for non-provisional or non-resident licenses.
**Please confirm your local board/association accepts the Code of Ethics course toward their Ethics requirement ahead of purchase.
*This 6-hr CE bundle is designed for Sales Associates, Broker Associates and Brokers who need just the 6-hrs of required topics. The specific courses are shown below.
*Not designed for Provisional Sales Associates or Non-Resident licensees or the 3-hr NAR requirement.
This 3-hr CE Renewal package is designed for Non-Resident Sales and Broker Associates and Brokers who wish to renew their license or lay the groundwork to obtain their Oklahoma license. This package includes three mandatory topic courses. See below for details.
This 1-hr course counts toward the Broker Relationship Act (BRA) course credits required by OREC.
This 1-hr course counts toward the Code and Rules (CAR) course credits required by OREC.
This 1-hr course counts toward the Contracts and Forms (CON) course credits required by OREC.
This 1-hr course counts toward the Fair Housing (FHR) course credits required by OREC.
This 1-hr course counts toward the Hot Topics (HOT) course credits required by OREC.
This 1-hr course counts toward the Professional Conduct (PSC) course credits required by OREC.
Gain knowledge, reduce liability by learning more about Fair Housing and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
This course is designed to educate the CE Student on the subject of the Federal and State Fair Housing Laws. The objective is to increase awareness, sensitivity and compliance with the laws. The course will explain how to comply with Fair Housing Laws, providing all clients and customers Equal Housing Opportunity regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, disability, AIDS/HIV or need for use of service animals. This course is a must for all agents who want to provide good service in compliance with the law.
Learn the tools to analyze investments and better serve clients (3 hrs).
This course covers basic investment concepts and analytical tools. The instructor provides real estate and financially-based models to help licensees rank and analyze investment alternatives and risk.
This course reviews the methods of creating buyer agency, methods of developing new business and duties of the buyer agent.
Increase your market penetration through these specialized techniques. Single agency by design. This course reviews the methods of creating buyer agency, methods of developing new business and duties of the buyer agent. Learning objectives:
This 'Code of Ethics: Pathways to Professionalism' course is designed to provide 3-hrs of continuing education and meet the NAR ethics requirement. It is at your Board / Association's discretion to accept this course. Check ahead of purchase.
Gain an understanding of green homes and their influence and impact on buyers and sellers.
The course objectives include understanding Green as a new way of thinking, learning the terminology, understanding the benefits, analyzing savings, and learning to leverage this knowledge to better market green homes. This course is a must for all agents who want to provide good service for clients interested in Green and/or LEED homes.
The course learning objectives:
This 1-hr course counts toward the Professional Conduct (PSC) course credits required by OREC. This course covers the importance of a policy manual and the standard types of information and materials necessary for constructing a good policy manual.
Gain an improved understanding of the role of policies in reducing liability, risk and improving performance
This course covers the importance of a policy manual and the standard types of information and materials necessary for constructing a good policy manual. Serves as an aid for those creating a policy manual. Improves your ability to provide consistent professional services to consumers and avoid liability.
Learning Objectives:
Course Topics:
This 3-hr elective CE course covers the role of the property manager, fair housing laws, fiduciary duty, and rental forms.
Property Management is a three-hour, intermediate level, elective CE course. the role of the property manager, fair housing laws, fiduciary duty, and rental forms. Learning Objectives:
Topics covered include:
Home Inspections is a Commission-approved elective course that counts toward 3-hrs of continuing education credit to be used toward license renewal or reactivation.