Washington's Source For Real Estate Education

Washington's Source for Real Estate Education


Washington Real Estate Education!  Narrated * Online 24/7 * State-Approved

  • Online 24/7, Self-paced
  • Easy to use, immediate certificate processing
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Quality material
  • State-approved Real Estate School #S1738
  • Trusted by peers since 2004
Mandatory Course

This is the 6-hr Mandatory Fair Housing CE Course. Per the Washington Dept of Licensing (DOL), the purpose of this course is to introduce real estate brokers and managing brokers to the federal Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.) and the Washington Law Against Discrimination (chapter 49.60 RCW) as it relates to real estate transactions. The course will teach real estate brokers and managing brokers the historical and societal context of housing discrimination, legal framework intended to prevent housing discrimination, and steps to take to prevent housing discrimination.

*As always, it's always good to check with the DOL to ensure you're selecting the courses specific to your license requirements. 

License Renewal Info: https://www.dol.wa.gov/business/realestate/brokersrenew.html

Course Features Include:

  1. Approved by the Washington Department of Licensing (S1738)
  2. The ability to complete the courses online and at your convenience
  3. Low price, high-quality, narrated courses
  4. Easy to use
  5. Well-received and reviewed by other real estate professionals

6 Hours

What's Included:

  • Washington Test-Prep Textbook
  • 60 question quiz Uniform Secition
  • 40 question quiz. Washington Section 

All quizzes are retakeable with answers. This easy to use study aid is not a substitute for the pre-licensing curriculum required by the State


What's Included:

  • 60 question quiz Uniform Secition
  • 40 question quiz. Washington Section 

All quizzes are retakeable with answers. This easy to use study aid is not a substitute for the pre-licensing curriculum required by the State


What's Included:

  • 40 question quiz. Washington Section 

Quiz is retakeable with answers. This easy to use study aid is not a substitute for the pre-licensing curriculum required by the State
