Hawaii's Source For Real Estate Education

Hawaii's Source for Real Estate Education


Hawaii Real Estate Education - Narrated, 100% online, & State-Approved!

  • Upgrade to a Broker license and get your 20-hr CE package free!  Just add the Broker course and CE package to the cart at the same time!
  • If completing CE to restore / be active in 2023-2024, mark 'yes' when asked if course is make-up
  • With our fast processing, we submit CE credits to the DCCA on your behalf
  • MAUI Licensees impacted by the wildfires - Contact us for CE Support

Gain an understanding of green homes and their influence and impact on buyers and sellers.

The course objectives include understanding Green as a new way of thinking, learning the terminology, understanding the benefits, analyzing savings, and learning to leverage this knowledge to better market green homes.

Course enables students to:
  • Explain ‘green’ as a new way of thinking
  • Learn the terminology of green homes
  • Understand the benefits of green homes
  • Analyze how it reduces the cost of home ownership
  • Explain how it increases purchasing power

3 Hours

How do we do business in the day of the coronavirus?  Through this course, you'll receive practical advice and learn about the guidelines set forth by the NAR, CDC and WHO.

This course discusses the NAR’s coverage of the coronavirus and how it impacts real estate licensees and the safety of their clients. Topics include the advice and guidelines from the NAR, CDC and WHO with implications to licensees conducting and managing business during the coronavirus pandemic. Topics include office safety, alternatives to open houses, meeting and advertising.

Course enables students to:
  • Understand the scope of impact of COVID-19 on the practice of common real estate business activities (ex: open houses) and protocol
  • Apply CDC, WHO and NAR guidelines when providing services
  • Recognize, avoid and find alternatives to risky business practices during a pandemic
  • Reduce risk through using new methods and technologies to service clients  
  • Judge / assess how agents can further their ability to safely serve our public

3 Hours

This course covers Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) and Broker Price Opinions (BPOs), an opinion of value developed according to industry standards by a real estate licensee.

Learn the standards, procedures, methods of adjusting and calculating the BPO. This 3-hour session is used to explain duties and responsibilities associated with the BPO assignment; professional standards for selecting comparables; grading conditions; and how to adjust comparables to calculate value. Concepts taught in the course are valid for CMA, BPO and general valuations.

Course enables students to:
  • Define and describe a BPO
  • Know the Recent BPO Legislation
  • Understand related duties and obligations
  • Understand standards set by the industry regarding:
    • Selecting Comparables
    • Know how to qualify and value features
  • Understand BPO terminology
  • Use simple mathematical models of BPO
  • Improve communications with appraiser, lender, and client

3 Hours

This course reviews the methods of creating buyer agency, methods of developing new business and duties of the buyer agent.

Buyer agency laws vary from state to state but this course focuses on the specialty tools of serving the single client, to protect and guide, pay full attention to needs; disclose material facts, advice and counsel; grow new business, negotiate for your best interests and attempt to resolve any problems to the client's best advantage.

Course enables students to:
  • Understand how buyer representation serves the client
  • Learn the types of agencies and relevance of single agency
  • Understand the buyer representation contract
  • Learn the duties, obligations, and benefits of buyer representation

3 Hours

1031 exchange is a swap of one investment property for another that allows capital gains taxes to be deferred. Learn the requirements and benefits of Chapter 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code and how to leverage them for your client.

This course covers the basics of 1031 Exchange, its definition, background, benefits, and associated concepts, terminology, processes, rules, and examples. The course teaches licensees about how investor(s) might defer Capital Gains by utilizing the features of Section 1031 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Provides 3 hours of CE credit.

Course enables students to:
  • Gain broad understanding of the definition of 1031 exchange and its purpose and benefits
  • Understand relationship between taxes and exchanges
  • Identify the appropriate or advantageous circumstances for employing 1031 exchange
  • Understand purpose and history of 1031 exchange concept
  • Distinguish between properties and do and do not apply to 1031 exchange
  • Define tax-deferred exchange
  • Understand consequences of violating 3 key rules
  • Understand key vocabulary and terms related to 1031 exchange
  • Understand the concept and distinction between held and like-kind leases
  • Identify key factors to qualify a sale use in 1031 exchange
  • Explain the identification rule
  • Explain the Three-Property, 200% and 95% rules
  • Explain the Second Half Rule
  • Explain the ‘Title Rule’
  • Understand construction and replacement in context of 1031 exchange

3 Hours

Learn about the ethical dilemmas and guidelines in the practice of real estate through case studies.  This course is designed increase agents’ ability to protect clients and the general public.

The Applied Ethics course is written to provide licensees with a better understanding of ethical dilemmas in the practice of real estate through case studies. Our industry holds the ethical practice of real estate as the highest obligation of the licensee. This course covers over 30 case studies comparing and exemplifying law and ethics.  NOTE: This course is not eligible for NAR Credit, if looking for dual credit please find our course that includes the words: "Code of Ethics" in the title.

Course enables students to:
  • Compare ethics of trade organization with statues of license law
  • Increase knowledge of ethics & license law
  • Learn to disclose personal interests in transactions
  • Learn to protect and promote client's interest, while being honest with all parties
  • Be able to discuss the difference between puffing and misrepresentation
  • Better spot potential ethical pitfalls
  • Recognize the impermissibility of concealment of pertinent facts
  • Learn how to cooperate with other real estate professionals to advance the client's best interests
  • Discern the obligation to make your position in a transaction known and the obligation to disclose affiliated relationships
  • Be familiar with RESPA
  • Recognize that the paying of commission does not establish agency
  • Know the necessity of not commingling clients' monies, provide equal service to all clients, direct clients to third party professionals when necessary

3 Hours

Using real world examples, this course teaches awareness, sensitivity and compliance with the Fair Housing and ADA Laws.

3 Hours
