Hernando de Soto Bridge, TN
Meet your continuing education renewal requirements with our easy-to-use courses. Our narrated real estate CE classes are self-paced with 24/7 access, making your CE renewal process stress free. Go at your own pace at home or on-the-go. We submit your completions to the Tennessee Real Estate Commission (TREC) on your behalf!
REMI School of Real Estate
School #1792
View Available Courses Below
State Requirements
Package Hours Required - 16 hours
Renewal Dates
Renewal Cycle: Every two years on the last day of the license month
Tennessee Real Estate Commission
Real Estate Education at your Fingertips!
Meet your real estate CE requirements online with our real estate courses and packages. Our narrated real estate CE classes are self-paced with 24/7 online access so you can complete on your own time - at home or on-the-go! All courses are mobile-friendly with no special apps required. Expect fast processing upon completion as we submit your CE credits to the Tennessee Real Estate Commission (TREC) on your behalf. Reach out to our customer service staff with any questions. We pride ourselves in providing great customer service and quality classes that are easy to use and easy to complete.
Select Your Courses
Great course for learning the basics about the requirements and benefits of Chapter 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Learn about the ethical dilemmas in the practice of real estate through case studies. NOTE: This course is not eligible for NAR Credit.
Learn the tools to analyze investments and better service clients.
This course covers Comparative Market Analysis and Broker Price Opinions (BPOs), an opinion of value developed according to industry standards by a real estate licensee.
This course reviews the methods of creating buyer agency, methods of developing new business and duties of the buyer agent.
Gain knowledge, reduce liability by learning more about Fair Housing and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Gain an understanding of green homes and their influence and impact on buyers and sellers.
The Home Inspections course is a Commission-approved elective course that counts toward 3-hrs of continuing education credit to be used toward license renewal or reactivation.
This course is written to provide the licensee with a better understanding of the role of policies in the practice of real estate.
This 3-hr electives CE course covers the role of the property manager, fair housing laws, fiduciary duty, and rental forms.
This 2023-2024 course is a makeup course available for those licensees who were unable to complete the 2023-2024 TREC Residential Core Course. The newer 2025-2026 TREC Core course is available separately in our course list.