Understanding and Marketing Green Homes (3 hrs, Georgia)

Gain an understanding of green homes and their influence and impact on buyers and sellers.


The course objectives include understanding Green as a new way of thinking, learning the terminology, understanding the benefits, analyzing savings, and learning to leverage this knowledge to better market green homes.

This course is a must for all agents who want to provide good service for clients interested in Green and/or LEED homes.     

The course learning objectives:

  • Explain Green as a new way of thinking
  • Learn the terminology of Green Homes
  • Understand the benefits of Green
  • Analyze how it reduces the cost of home ownership
  • Explain how it increases purchasing power

License Renewal
Effective July 1, 2015, the required amount of continuing education (CE) hours increased from 24 to 36 for each four year renewal period.

Effective July 1, 2016, 3 of the required CE hours must be on the topic of license law from a license law course approved by the Georgia Real Estate Commission.

Georgia Real Estate Commission
Street Address: 229 Peachtree Street, N.E., International Tower, Suite 1000, Atlanta GA 30303-1605

Telephone: 404.656.3916 

Fax: 404.656.6650

GREC: https://grec.state.ga.us/licensed-professionals/renewing-a-license/real-estate/


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Hours 3